Y.M.C.A. Cricket Club News story

YMCA Cricket Club AGM 2013...

20 Nov 2013

The Hon.Secretary of YMCA CC, Mr.James W.Fitzgerald invites you to the 2013 AGM.



Dear Member,

This is to inform you that the annual general meeting of YMCA Cricket Club will take place in Claremont Road on Wednesday 4 December 2013 at 7pm. The agenda for the meeting is attached.

In addition, please find attached the draft minutes from last year’s AGM, which will be presented to the meeting for approval. Also attached is the proposed YMCA Keeping Children Safe Plan document, which will also be presented to the meeting for consideration (Item 7 on the agenda).

Kind regards,

James Fitzgerald
Hon. Sec. YMCA CC

AGM Agenda 2013.docx
YMCA Cricket Club AGM 2012 DRAFT Minutes.docx
YMCA KeepingChildrenSafePlan Version8.151113.pdf