Y.M.C.A. Cricket Club - 2021 Subscriptions

YMCA Cricket Club - 2021 Subscriptions Overview
YMCA Cricket Club is a family oriented club based in Claremont Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4. The club operates active Mens, Women's and Youth sections during the Cricket season and is keen to facilitate the development of each and every player to maximise their potential.

Whilst our subscription structure is straight forward for Adult Men or Women, either Playing or Pavilion Members, when it comes to our Youth section we offer a wide range subscriptions for boys and girls aged between 5 and 18 and whilst it appears complicated, the options are there for our youths to select the Cricket experience best for them. Below is a chart of the various Youth Options which will help you choose the right one, but if in doubt, please consult with us at ymcaccdublin@gmail.com.
Calculating Family/Multiple Subscriptions
If you have multiple subscriptions to pay, feel free to contact us to assist you calculate the total amount due.

Payment of Subscriptions
We encourage the payment of subscriptions by means of bank transfer. The best ways to do this are as follows:

(a) Ask your bank to transfer subscription monies directly to the "YMCA Cricket Club account". Details of the club account are available by clicking on the link. If your bank offers online banking you'll be able to do this directly.

(b) The Club also use Teamer Payments. Click on the appropriate subscription page to take you to the various Adult, Boys and Girls Teamer payment options. Using Teamer allows you to the option to pay in full or spread your subscription payment over 3 months. Please note that on these pages you can only pay 1 subscription at a time. If you have multiple subscriptions to pay, it will be more cost effective to ask us to set up a personalised Teamer payment for all of your subscriptions.

If in doubt, don't hesitate to get in touch and we'll endeavour to help!